Machine Concepts can provide you with new tension leveler cassette modules based on your requirements. They can be tailored to meet your needs.
The typical scope of rebuild work by Machine Concepts includes, but not limited to the following:
All rolls will be re-used if the following conditions are met:
All roll diameters are recorded and documented. Any roll with low hardness will be replaced. After a review of all diameters, a decision will be made on the allowed diameter to cut off. All rolls will use no more than .020” under nominal as the guideline for replacement. This will be confirmed with the customer. After all roll diameter dimensions are known, a final determination will be made as to how many rolls will be replaced. All roller bearings are to be replaced throughout the cassette.
Tension leveler cassette modules prior to disassembly and cleaning:
Tension leveler cassette modules that have been reconditioned: